At the way of air refining, most of the people are going to have modern air purification machine. After having an air purification system, the main barrier is some common problems. As a new user, anyone can be surprised because of those occurrences. But here we are going to feature all the solutions of those problems for you. Hope you will able to fix all those problems after reading the article. So read below to rescue yourself from any awaked situation of the air filter. This session I appointed with portent and the way to salvation.

Deal with pressure indicator light
Problem 1: Both high-pressure indicator light and the fan stop working.
Solution: This can happen any time after buying an air purifier. Most of the time the lack of the fuse of the machine is the main reason for this trouble.
First of all, check the fuse. The air purifier of the different brands has a fuse on a different portion of its body. But all of them, fuse are accessible from outside. Whatever, if you found any trouble here, then change the wire. On another case, Wire Welded fuse cannot repair. But it can be replaced with a new one. Before replacing, make sure the new fuse will be capable for the machine. Details of compatible fuse have defined at the user manual.
If there is no problem at the fuse, then check the boost transformer coil. Just open the back part and bring out the coil. You need a multimeter to check the boost transformer, that is burn or not (burned boost transformer will never show resistance). Repair and replace both are possible. But replace is the best solution.
Problem 2: pressure indicator light is blinking but the fan does not work.
Solution: Many of component like capacitor, voltage rectifier can be liable for the trouble. Even the weather can be a reason for the problem.
At first, search which component has become damaged. For searching purpose, use a multimeter. Measure one-directional resistance. After finding any component what does not work at all, replace it with a new one what have the same capability.
Weather changing can be the reason for the same problem. Check the bearing of the fan. It is stuck or not. If it works properly then check the lead of the fan. It can be broken easily. If the lead of the router has broken then it will be better to change the fan. Same thing for the damage winding issue. Use a multimeter to make sure that it is damaged or not.

Ionic air purifier problem and solution
Problem 3: Generate a low amount of negative ions. And continuously the air purification rate turn to low.
Solution: This type of problems occur from the electrode bar. Normally the electrode is stated under the filter. Remove the filter of your ionic air purifier machine. Clean the electrode filth perfectly. But remember, an unwieldy move can damage the electrode bar.
Still, it is not working? Then check both of power and high voltage circuit. Use a multimeter and check all the component of both. If any of them does not show the proper reading then consider it as a damage. Normally changing the component is the solution. but it’s better to change the circuit board. Particular circuit boards are available in the market as “Module”.

Washable air purifier filter cleaning problem
Problem 4: What is the perfect procedure for cleaning the filter?
Solution: Screw off all the pre-filter, charcoal base, and air filter. Cleaning all those parts are important. Keep away soap for brush the pre-filter. after cleaning this hang it up at air for drying perfectly. Charcoal base and main filter cannot clean by water. Vacuum cleaner or a powerful air blower is recommended here. Keep away the filter from over hitting.
Often people are going to have a metal brush for cleaning pre-filter. Actually, it will ruin the filter to clean the air again properly. Use wall-painting (hard) brush to clean this. After washing, keep it for dry it again properly. Apparently, Wet filters have become dirty fast then dry filter. At the same time, Wet filters can generate noise.
Generate needless noise and pollute sound
Problem 5: When the power turn to a high of air purifier, it makes noise. Even sometimes it humpier the attention of regular life.
Solution: basically this problem has occurred for the lack of filter. Switch off the connection and bring the filter out. Clean the pre-filter perfectly. Don’t forget the check the fan. Then screw it again. Often crank screwing can be the reason for the extra noise. So, screwing perfectly is also essential.
Few of case Polythene, large hair or cotton occur this problem. Those things are going to inside while the matching suck air. Check the inner part of the machine. Remove all those pollution what stacked inside.
Sometimes the problem occurs from the outlet or inlet way. Most of the time the particles and other things have stuck there and make the way thinner. As a result, it makes noise while it tries to suck more air. Don’t forget the check both of way. in this case, wet pre-filter can be a reason for the extra noise. Don’t forget to Dry the pre-filter properly.

Occur poverty of oxygen during it perform
Problem 6: Chemical reactor purifier sudden makes scarcity of oxygen at room air, as a result of a chemical reaction.
Solution: Comparatively another air purifier the chemical reactor air filters are able to accomplish duty perfectly. By chemical reaction, it can destroy almost all type of unexpected airborne pollution. Maybe this is the reason people are love to have this type of machine. But suddenly the chemical reaction can conversion its track. When it starts the poverty of oxygen, the situation can turn into danger.
First of all, remove the filter and check the reactor beam. If it decays from any part, it has to remove. And replace with a new one. The same thing can happen with ozone generator air purifier. To make you decided I want to mention that, this is mechanical trouble. Regular observation is the best way to rescue from this situation. Check the filter remain efficacy. While it will over, replace it with a new one.

Spread blatant smell at room air
Problem 7: Remove odor and the unexpected smell is a task of air purifier. Often it makes blatant smell at air.
Solution: New air refiner can generate the plastic smell. This is not a deal of a headache. Normally After use of 5-7 days, the smell will be removed by ownself. But the problems are stands forward when the air purifier generates weird smell.
As usual, the over-polluted filter is the source of those smell. Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the filter. Even it has the possibility to effect by germs. And the bacteria are the reason for smells. Use a germ cleaner spray there. But never spray a lot. Because the wet filter is the causes of noise.
But if the smell like something burning inside, then urgently plug off the electric supply. And contact the company ASAP.

Free advice: There are many more reason to occur unexpected problems. Here I like to present a few cautions to you that you can follow.
- If possible use a power stabilizer. It will protect you from the unexpected electric supply related problem. In additional a UPS can you use. USP is the thing that can provide unstopped supply while regular DC power shuttled off.
- Stay away from the tight connection. There is a lot of scams on the internet about a tight connection. The trait of Wire can occur a big accident. Even it can destroy your machine. Using a large weir or multi-plug is a good solution.
- Changing the filter is another important issue there. In fact, after over the validation, damage filter can make your purifier machine dumb. Old filters become the store of dust. It can implant germs and malodors.
- Placement of air purifier is a big question here. The dampish place can make your filter damage early. And damage filter can be a huge source of germs. Choose a dry, wet place. It could be better if you install your air purification system beside the window.
- If the machine does not have oxygen and dust rate indicator, then buy one. It will provide you with extra security, while the air purifier starts to make an impact on the room atmosphere.
Still, an air purifier is a machine. Every owner should know how to take care of it. Not only fixing that common problem, but owners should also have basic knowledge about his device. In fact, you can’t deny the important to take care of your air refining system. It will save your money and ensure the safety issue at a time. No doubt money and safety both are important now a day. Else it can turn into your life as a burden. To have a better healthy air at your home, make a personal garden. It is better to obstruct those way what make pollution at your home.
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