Refining and making pollution free air is the common quest of every air purification system. But still, it has different in order to the way of its working. All purification systems and machines do not contain the same technological concept to perform.
Few devices isolate the dust by its different layers of filter. Then again few devices make the air clean by chemical reaction. Common people are not used to in-depth details. But this article we are going to feature to you about that common air purification system. Their working procedure, reason, and performance will be added here. Let’s begin for enlightenment all about air refining system technology.

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Ultraviolet Light
The main concept of the ultraviolet light filter comes from the line “UV ray is a threat of being”. Actually, it has the ability to kill micro germs by its radioactivity. To control the action, the filter has been built between a light beam and a gainer. Between both of them, it has an air passing way. At a very early time, the suction system sucks air and a wind Sieve detaches big particles and pulls the air to the UV beam. As its nature, it kills all reaming micro germs. Its appearance is built with such type of design that the UV ray cannot come out and hamper the citizen.
This type of air purification technology is good for killing germs. But ultraviolet rays cannot refine the toxin gas and harmful tobacco elements. Even a few times it is not able to detect micro pollution. But, updated products may fulfill your all demands.

- Advantage: As its main feature, it can kill any type of germs. Because it kills germs and bacteria, the air will revive from the odors. Because it works by UV light, it is totally noise free. Considering those things people love to take them to the hospital and other emergency place. And of course, it is an energy saving product.
- Disadvantage: This machine is really built with high technological logic. As we said before it can remove allergies, viruses and other bacteria. But its efficiency becomes dull to remove particles like dust, micro fur, and gases. Nowadays in the market, there are few UV systems that work to modify the ozone layer which is too much harm to the natural environment.
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Activated Carbon Filter
In nature, carbon is a great adsorption. No other fundamentals can work like carbon. The carbon filtration concept comes from this idea. The filter that is made with processed carbon is installed at the air passing way of the machine. It makes a chemical reaction when the air blows with its passing hole. Carbon conducts a reaction with the air, and without the genesis and pure air, other particles are going to stick with it.

The process of activated carbon air filter work is familiar as adsorption. Before reaching the air to the active carbon filter it had passed another lair of filtration. Both airborne dust and germs are destroyed here. When companies start their commercial production, those devices have a common barrier in that it did not clean radioactive things properly. But nowadays those things have developed mostly.
- Advantage: Not only germs but also other air pollution components like sand, pet hair, tobacco, odors, and other things can be unconnected by this product. Most of the time these types of products are power saving enabled. On average this apparatus can save air from .3 micron Undesired things.
- Disadvantage: There is no chance to remove or clear the particles from its filter. it blows pure air by the reaction and that’s why after occurrence it pollutes is stuck with the filter. Then again, because of regular chemical reactions, the carbon layer may Erosion faster. During the last stage of Erosion, it has to change. Else it lost the Affordability to properly perform.
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Ozone Generators
In ambiance, the ozone is the exigent things. As we know this layer protect out surface from the detrimental rays. This layer holds oxygen and the suspicion come from here. The ozone filter generate are basically works for ozonized the air of your desire place. That’s how everything becomes oxidize and healthy.

For example, there is e Ferrum (iron) particle in the air. When the air becomes oxidized the O2 makes ferrume oxide after a reaction that is not harmful. Using this system is pretty expensive and effective. Even what it can even erase clouds of dust, bio, smell, the particles of metals and other pollute more finely. But it may be the reason for the danger of pets in your house. Many years ago when it comes to market it, makes a huge hype to people. But after a few years, its harmful few parts were detected. Then again engineers start to repair those things by modifying this technology.

- Advantage: It works as finely as it is used to in the emergency situation. It can make air pure from .03 micron things. To remove airborne germs it works comparatively faster. Most importantly it works to repair the atmosphere of your home. It also helps creatures like pets, fish or birds in your home.
- Disadvantage: The most alarming part is, that its chemical reaction can turn dangerous. On another hand as the way it works, it cannot remove the tiny air pollution component from the air. It just changes those things allegedly those cannot become more harmful. This is true it can remove odor from air, but a few brands what is not able to refine this from air perfectly.
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HEPA Air Purifiers
The shorting HEPA mentions “High-efficiency particulate air”. According to user expectations, this is the most demanding air purification technology in the current market. Probable 6 Decade ago people were looking for something that could protect them from the radioactive particles of air. And then we found the HEPA air filtering system. Its multi-compartment filtering system can reduce impendence from the air.

There are 3 different compartments to refine air in this filtration system. In the first step, it blows in air and refinement if from normal environment pressure and element. Next door the air lost its fine Waste even germs. And the rest of the compartment a diffusion reaction destroys it there if any radioactive particle remains. But at present many of the HEPA filter has more compartments to refine air perfectly.
- Advantage: Because of the safe technological building structure, worldwide it has been accepted. As it works at the different layers, it performs to a clear rate of 99.99% and stays noise free. The performance to reduce radioactivity in the air makes it perfect to use in laboratory experiments. Does not make noise and install energy saving system.
- Disadvantage: Its filter does not contain its own cleaning system. That’s why there are talks that, molds and another virus can grow inside. Replace it with the new filter after a little time is needed. Moreover, relative to other types of filters, it needs a pretty big time to clean the air.
Ionic Air Purifier
Ionic models are the notion of this filter. Science says positive ions are going to make a bond with negative ion. Finally, it creates heavy weight metal. And finally, overweight things cannot stay in the air. Even because of negative ion people, each breath feels like fresh and clear. On the other side, positive ions are felt heavy and make people tired easily.
According to this sense, ionic air purification technology performs at 2 different steps. First purification layer is the basic step of the Strainer. The next and major portion works to release ions into the air. it releases negative ions. On the other hand, the airborne has a negative ion. After having a close touch those are made a heavy element. The rest of the things those elements fall on the floor or surface. That’s how it works. Because it makes bio dust people often try to avoid this.

- Advantage: It perfectly clears the metal particles from the air. The reason for the chemical change it never comes back. This is scientifically proven that negative ion makes the human body energetic. Even in a home environment, it boosts the productivity level of another utensil. It provides fresh feelings and energy to the human body.
- Disadvantage: Always ionic air filter has the risk of harmful ionic blasts. Often it can make noise what is pretty irritating to common people. The most dangerous part is, that overusing this machine can impact the lunge. Even in heavy use its filter also starts to perform dull.
But this is a good thing that nowadays most air purifiers consider smart operating action. I mean those can be operated by a mobile phone. And those devices are programmed in such a way that it detects your position. Still, the filter that installs inside is the main thing.
Rest of the things still people have the notion that only expensive things do better. But people have to consider the things how the machine works and it is compactable for them or not. “Air purifier” is actually an air management system that can be operated by different technology to filter. Dear reader before paying for anything, make yourself sure about what type of technology you are going to have.
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