We all lose some hair every day. And according to the doctors, it is completely fine to lose up to 100 hair strands in a day as it is a natural process. But if you are losing more than 100 hairs or there are empty patches on your head, then there are chances that you are suffering from MPB (Male Pattern Baldness).
A research conducted by NLM (U.S. National Library of Medicine) reveals that male pattern baldness is more prone to affect men who are above the age of 50.
Nowadays, more men are suffering from MPB and there is a long list of reasons behind this.
In this article, we have covered each and everything you should know about male pattern baldness, its symptoms, causes, natural remedies to heal it, and the hairstyles you can try to sustain male pattern baldness like a pro.

What is male pattern baldness?
The scientific name of male pattern baldness is andro-genetic alopecia which is a common genetic disorder resulting in loss of hair. MPB starts with thinning of hair around the temples and gradually ends up emptying the entire head.
The pattern of balding varies from person to person. Some individuals reported that they have suffered hair loss from the crown area, while others reported that they have lost their hair from the frontal part i.e. the temple area of the part from where the hairline starts.
This kind of balding follows a specific pattern and that is why it is termed as male pattern baldness.

What are the causes of male pattern baldness?
There are many reasons why you are suffering from male pattern baldness. But the major culprit behind this is the extreme change in the hormones. When your hormones starts changing, your body adapts some major transformations and it can trigger hair loss.
Here are some symptoms of male pattern baldness discussed in detail.
1. Change in hormones
As we grow older, our body sustains some changes- like our eyesight becomes weak, our immunity gets lower , and same is the case with our hair. As we age, the hormone behind growth of hair stops functioning properly. This in result allows the hair follicles to clog, and at the end they fall out.
The hormonal changes can occur at any phase of life. These days men who are lesser than 50 are also suffering male pattern baldness.
2. Higher stress
Taking higher stress is another reason why hair starts falling out. Stress is a major reason behind the hormonal changes, and this triggers the hair loss or male pattern baldness. It is seen that the men who take more physical and mental stress have more chances of getting bald at an early phase of their life.
3. Nutritional deficiencies
Deficiency of vitamins and nutrients can also cause male pattern baldness. Our hair needs some vitamins and nutrients to sustain a healthy life. Just like our body, our hair needs proper nutrition and if they dont gets the desired nutrients, then the hair follicle can become weak and can fall out.
4. Infections
Nowadays, scalp infections are getting more common. These itchy infections can clog the blood supply to the hair follicle, and in the end hair become thin and easily breakable.
5. Psychological conditions
Your psychology has a lot to do with your hair growth lifecycle. Individuals who have physiological issues like high tension have more chances of losing hair. In some worst case scenarios, men below 25 can also suffer hair loss if they have supremely effective physiological issues.
These are some of the common reasons why men suffer from male pattern baldness.
Is there any remedy that can cure male pattern baldness? Yes!
There are some natural remedies that can help you to cope up or halt the effect of male pattern baldness. Stick to the article to know more.
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Natural remedies for male pattern baldness
The best way to stop the adverse effect of male pattern baldness is dealing with it in a natural way. If you get inclined towards chemical contained medicines, then it can trigger more hair loss and can cause some side effects also.
We have handpicked some effective and most preferred remedies to cope with MPB.
1. Garlic and onion juice
Garlic and onion juice may stink, but it is very beneficial for the individuals suffering from male pattern baldness. The juice extracted from garlic and onion has the capability to boost blood flow in the area from where the hairline is receding.
This natural remedy is tested on a large scale and the results are phenomenal.
Do you know how to make onion and garlic juice mixture? Lets us help you.
Take a small piece of onion and garlic and chop it. You can also cut it into slices for easy grating or a mixer will also work well. Now take the paste in a strainer and squeeze it to extract the juice. You can easily extract the juice in a bowl.
For further benefits, consider adding few drops of honey to the mixture. The mixture is ready to apply.
Dip your fingers into the mixture and massage it gently on the entire head. Don’t use any brush or comb to apply the mixture as the juice is very thin and cannot be applied with a hair brush.
Leave the mixture on your head for 30-45 minutes and take a shower. You can repeat this remedy 2-3 times in a week for more positive results. If you are not able to bear the stink, then you can add 1-2 drops of natural oils like lavender, and rosemary.
2. Use some essential oils
Essential oils are rich in nutrients and other beneficial elements that can help you to stop the effects of male pattern balding. You should apply some essential oils to your head based on your scalp type and the types of oil.
By essential oils we mean rosemary oil, jojoba oil, cedar wood oil, lavender oil and much more. The application process of these oils is simpler than ever.
Take a bowl and mix one of these oils into coconut oil. Heat it until it gets lukewarm and massage it onto your head. Massage the oil in a manner that it gets completely submerged into the roots and is coated on the hair tips too.
The reason behind mixing these oils in coconut oil is the concentration. Using essential oils all alone can cause some itching issues as these are more concentrated than the basic oils.
Repeat the process 2 times a week and wash your head with a mild shampoo.
3. Make an egg mask
We all know that eggs are very nutritious and beneficial for our body. An egg contains the required biotin and proteins that are good for hair growth and can terminate unwanted elements like dandruff and dryness.
How to make an egg mask?
Take a bowl, an egg, some coconut oil, Indian gooseberry powder, and some henna leaves if you have grey hair. Mix all of them with a hair brush until you get a thick paste with higher consistency. Don’t use the egg yolk if you have dry and brittle hair.
Apply the paste on your head and massage it into the roots. Leave the hair pack for at least 30 minutes and wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
This hair pack will also provide you with the required moisture your scalp needs. There is much more to do with an egg mask. You can also apply the egg directly by separating the egg yolk or as needed.
4. Olive oil and cinnamon
A genuine mixture of cinnamon and olive oil can do wonders for the people suffering from male pattern baldness. The process to make olive oil and cinnamon remedy is a child’s play.
Take some olive oil in a bowl and heat it until it gets in lukewarm state. Add 1-2 teaspoons of grinded cinnamon and make a thick paste. The paste is ready to apply. Take a brush or use your fingertips to apply the paste.
Leave this mixture for up to an hour and rinse it thoroughly. Regular applications of this paste will help you to deal with MPB.
These are some effective and proven natural remedies to cure male pattern balding. Also the remedies described above have no adverse effects on your head. You can use these remedies based on your preference or you can consult someone who has in-depth knowledge of natural remedies for hair loss.
Read Also: Female Pattern Baldness (Symptoms, Causes, Natural Remedies & Hairstyle)
Some hairstyles men with thinning and male pattern balding should try
A crisp and unique hairstyle for male pattern balding can make you forget that you are losing your hair. Generally men with male pattern balding have thin and brittle hair. You have to make sure that you have chosen the best hairstyle that is complementing your personality and is embracing your baldness.
1. Try the bald look
Trying the bald look can be a great option for those who have lost a massive part of their hair. Going bald can seem to be daunting but is most easy to carry, as you have nothing to worry about. You can easily follow the onion and garlic remedy on a bald head and it will be more convenient to notice any results.
2. Comb Over Hairstyle
Comb over hairstyle is a simple one and you can get this hairstyle easily without using any hair products. The reason why comb over hairstyle looks great is the trimmed side edges. When your side edges are trimmed, the top head area looks fuller and filled with hair.
Get your edges or sides trimmed completely to bring out the best look while terminating the visible effects of male pattern balding.
3. Get a buzz cut
Buzz cut is very trending these days. Even the men with normal hair are trying this hairstyle. In a buzz cut, you need to shorten your hair with a trimmer. The size of the hair should be less than of an inch.
There are multiple benefits of getting a buzz cut. In a buzz cut, your scalp gets enough of exposure to absorb all the masks or oils you have applied. Also there is no need to comb, so you can slow down your hair loss that is occurring due to continuous combing.
4. Slick back
When the hairline is receding, it recedes in a distinct pattern which looks unmanaged. Some people have more receded hairline in the right temple as compared to the left one. With the help of a slick back hairstyle, you can make your hairline to appear equal.
5. Short Pomp
A short pump is something you need. If you have the right amount of hair on the frontal part, then you should go with a short pomp. The side edges in a pomp cut are trimmed which makes the hair voluminous and thick. You can make a short pomp at your home with the help of a blow dryer and some high quality hair wax.
Final Verdict
Before concluding that you are suffering from male pattern balding, consider consulting a doctor and get things cleared. You can also conduct an in-home test by taking your hair in your fingers and pulling them out. If there is a considerable amount of hair pulled out, then things are not right.
Follow the above-mentioned tips to cope up with male pattern balding. Also try these hairstyles to embrace the hair thinning. Make sure that you are not using any chemical contained products or substances as these can ruin your condition and can worsen your hair fall problems.
What to Read Next:
- Female Pattern Baldness (Symptoms, Causes, Natural Remedies & Hairstyle)
- Male Pattern Baldness (Symptoms, Causes, Natural Remedy, and Hairstyle)
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